InEasyreadbyIrfan Irawan Sukirman, S.Kom.Bagaimana Membangun CI/CD Sederhana Menggunakan Bitbucket dan Firebase Distribution App di AndroidTutorial singkat bagaimana menggunakan tools CI/CD untuk membantu memudahkan dan mempercepat proses testing, build APK, dan deployment.Feb 6, 2021Feb 6, 2021
InVIACCE | Business & TechnologybyAdrián LeyvaAndroid — Clean Architecture 101Get startedJan 4, 20224Jan 4, 20224
Inuwa IbrahimNewsFly ✈️ An app featuring MVVM, Navigation Component, Flow, Pagination, Search, Room, Data Store…I’ll be showing you how to build an all in one ‘News application’ which features virtually every thing you would ever need in building a…Oct 9, 20211Oct 9, 20211
Stelios PapamichailWorking with Clean Architecture on AndroidYou can now find this and other posts over on my substack page at !Jul 23, 2021Jul 23, 2021
InProAndroidDevbySherry YuanAndroid Studio Tips for Faster DevelopmentAndroid Studio customization recommendations to speed up your developmentJul 17, 2021Jul 17, 2021
Prabhakar ThotaAndroid Dev Tools — Become a Master with these Tools, Collaborate BetterYou’ll be well on your way to developing Android apps like a pro.Jul 3, 20211Jul 3, 20211
InDeHaatbyAditi KatiyarMemory Leaks in Android AppsCauses of memory leaks while developing Android apps, how to detect and fix them.Jun 18, 20211Jun 18, 20211
Mehdi ParsaeiBeat your Android interviewer! (Junior to Senior) — Part 1We are here to help each other to improve together, I am going to share some Android interview questions and answers(10 per each part). You…Aug 10, 20211Aug 10, 20211
saad mahmudHow to create Class Diagram on Android Studio (for Kotlin)?Here’s the way :)Oct 29, 20211Oct 29, 20211
InSimform EngineeringbyAbhishek IppakayalKotlin Tips and Tricks for Efficient ProgrammingIn this blog, we will re-write the code in the Kotlin way and see how Kotlin makes code more concise and readable.Aug 2, 20215Aug 2, 20215
Emre HamurcuRecyclerView Item Click in a Better WayRecyclerView is the most popular view in Android world. Today I wanna show you a better approach for clicking an item. We are using Kotlin…Nov 3, 20218Nov 3, 20218
Inbetclic-techbyStephen VinouzeBuilding a Segmented Progress Bar in AndroidLeverage the power of custom drawing.Nov 30, 2021Nov 30, 2021
Kailas BhakadeDesign Patterns in Android with KotlinBefore starting this blog, I would like to ask one question. What makes your code good? Is it the code size or something else? Just think…Aug 2, 20212Aug 2, 20212
Mohit DholakiaInterview Questions for Android DeveloperThis article is about to provide an idea about the Android/Kotlin mobile interview questions.Sep 14, 20214Sep 14, 20214
Julien SalviSafe delay in Android Views: goodbye Handlers, Hello Coroutines!Using Handlers, without providing a Looper, has been deprecated in recent versions of Android because they can lead to bugsAug 8, 20215Aug 8, 20215
Luc-Antoine GirardinIn Kotlin, loops are deprecated (sort of)Of course, Jetbrains did not deprecate Kotlin loops and never will. It would not make sense to actually deprecate them as loops have been a…Aug 13, 20218Aug 13, 20218
InBetter ProgrammingbyAbhishek JangraMy Most Productive Android Studio SetupBased on 3 years of experiments and learningsNov 30, 20219Nov 30, 20219
João Pedro PedrosaUseful tools to use in every Android Project (Part 1)A set of helpful tools and libraries that I commonly use when starting an Android Project.Oct 26, 20211Oct 26, 20211